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Saints, And Lisa Phillips, Be Praised

Lisa Phillips was another Irish miracle who visited London from Belfast to pose at the SCORE studio. Lisa was one of the great busty Brits of that generation that included Cathy Patrick and Tracy West. These girls had an earthy, naughty, bawdy natural vibe that hit the camera like a flying bra, whether they were playing solo or getting it on with guys or girls. While mega-boob fever was sweeping North America in the 1990s, the UK remained a land of natural-born bra-busters.

At the time, SCORE publisher John Fox was at the helm of Gent magazine and he was there during many of Lisa's shoots. John recalled, "Lisa was a 19-year-old, 5'11" university student and could only shoot with us during summer break or other school holidays. So, when she was available, we would try to shoot her as much as we could. Though Lisa's posing did span several years, because she was an exclusive to one photographer, she was not photographed as much as you might imagine. This made every photo opportunity precious."

Saints, And Lisa Phillips, Be Praised

See More of Lisa Phillips at SCORELAND.COM!